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Process improvement - Lean consultancy

The truth is that 'Lean' is simply a way to reduce waste (often called Muda) using an approach that centres around creating value for your customers. The Lean approach centres around 5 categories:

  • Value

  • Value Stream

  • Flow

  • Pull

  • Perfection


One of the most common issues that we see with our clients, is the amount of times we hear, "I don't know why I do that" or "we've always done it this way". Sometimes, it takes someone from the outside to question the status quo.


Lean Consultants spend time observing your key processes to determine if they are set up for maximum efficiency. We begin by developing simple, customer-focused process maps and work with your staff to develop a leaner, more efficent process and finally gain approval through your in-house compliance process.


Some customers are concerned that their industry is heavily regulated and process changes are frowned upon, but with our approach, we take you with us every step of the way.

What is Lean ?
Our firm specialized in maximizing the business potential of any Operational environment. We work with firms in all sectors to achieve significant, sustainable advances in performance whilst simultaneously achieving real savings.


In the current corporate landscape, businesses face challenges on all fronts. Shareholders want more profit, customers want better products and services, employees want a higher level of job satisfaction and the government wants you to follow their increasingly complex rules.


Lean Consulting can help you:

  • Increase efficiency through eliminating waste

  • Increase Employee Engagement

  • Increase Customer Satisfaction

  • Increase Service Level performance

  • Radically reduce handling/cycle times

  • Reduce your cost per transaction

  • And ultimately increase the profitability of your operation


Our clients engage us to deliver meaningful improvement in their organization at a time when immense change is upon them. We offer a range of services from Strategic Architecture to Operational Excellence and since our inception, we have earned a reputation for exceptional execution and delivery of our services.


Our Services



  • Process Improvement

  • Wastage Reduction

  • Reusage of Scrap

  • implementation of 5's

  • Plant and product layout improvement

  • Standardization of operations

  • Implementation of JIT ( Just-in-Time)

  • Reduction in Lead time


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